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Satisfaction with justice and death penalty issue

Základní údaje o provedeném průzkumu

Autor průzkumu:Ondřej Špur
Šetření:28. 05. 2011 - 26. 06. 2011
Počet respondentů:23
Počet otázek (max/průměr):32 / 29.48
Použité ochrany:unikátní IP
Zobrazení otázek:celý dotazník najednou
Návratnost dotazníků:35,8 %
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Úvodní informace zveřejněné respondentům

Dear respondents,

this questionary is focused on general satisfaction with justice systems and death penalty issue. The results will be free accesible for anyone at this web sites, and will not be published anywhere else. The questionary has been made in English and originally intended even for foreigners. I believe the selected language won´t constitute an obstacle for you.

I would like to thank you for filling out!

Odpovědi respondentů

1. Are you satisfied with the justice in your country in general (please, write your country below)?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel napsat odpověď vlastními slovy.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
czech republic521,74 %21,74 %  
No, Czech Republic417,39 %17,39 %  
no28,7 %8,7 %  
not at all (CZ)14,35 %4,35 %  
Czech Republic. I'm not satisfied.14,35 %4,35 %  
Czec republic - no14,35 %4,35 %  
yes - both UK and Czech Republic14,35 %4,35 %  
yes, Czech republic14,35 %4,35 %  
partially, czech republic14,35 %4,35 %  
No - Czech republic14,35 %4,35 %  
ostatní odpovědi Czech republic, I am in general satisfied
Czech Republic - NO-
no i am no satisfied.Czech republic
The Czech Republic
No (Czech Republic)
521,74 %21,74 % 


2. Do you think, there is presence of corruption in our society?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Yes2295,65 %95,65 %  
I don´t know14,35 %4,35 %  


3. How would you punish corruption?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit alespoň některou z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Imprisonment1356,52 %56,52 %  
Get fired1356,52 %56,52 %  
Fine1147,83 %47,83 %  
Suspended sentence417,39 %17,39 %  


4. What do you think about the presumption of innocence?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
I agree1878,26 %78,26 %  
I don´t know313,04 %13,04 %  
I disagree28,7 %8,7 %  


5. Do you agree with release of the prisoners due to their good behavior?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Yes, but only if for offenders with less weighty of the offense1252,17 %52,17 %  
No834,78 %34,78 %  
Yes28,7 %8,7 %  
I don´t know14,35 %4,35 %  


6. What do you think about „comfort“ (fitness, whirlpool, language courses, golf, TV, computer with the internet, requalification courses…) for the condemned inmates in Czech penitentiaries?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel napsat odpověď vlastními slovy.

Bloody hell, I must pay all of this by big taxes.

Don´t agree with all of them. I only agree with some requalification courses..

I agree with the educational courses, TV and the internet (but monitored). I don't see why they should be allowed to play golf or have fun in whirlpool - it's a prison not vacation!

I agree with the part that is meant to help them to integrate within the society after they leave the prison - language courses and education as such. Also internet can be considered useful as well. Nevertheless, I disagree with activities that are not necessary and are above the standard of an average citizen.

I agree, it could help the inmates to change their perspective and habits.

I don´t know

I don't agree with that. In prison they have better life conditions than ordinary people.

i don't agree with this stuff. I think that they life wouldn't be so comfortable

I don't think there's much comfort for inmates in Czech Republic. Otherwise, they do not deserve that "comfort" you've mentioned.

i think it shouldnt be...maybe only fitness

I think it´s unbelieveable. Even people who are working hard, don´t have this "comfort". I think it´s unfair. Stay in jail should be unpleasant.

I think that language and requalification courses might help the improsoned people after they get out from the prison with their work and chances to be included to the society and also these may be some sort of motivation for them while they are imprisoned.

I think that oportunity of education is very good, but access to some other leisure activities (gym, fitness, TV, internet access) should be limited - dependant on inmate's behaviour or crime he or she commited, for exapmple if someone is improsoned because of some minor crime, they should have chance for education or ocassional "comfort", but these who repeatedly commited violent crimes should not have access to any forms of "comfort" listed above.

It is absolutely blatant. Prison should be about punishment, not comfort and making it more bearable.

It is not as common as it told. There is a bit of bullying in cells. Prison is for someone who had commited something bad, so comfort equipment is not suitable for them. They shlould work (or do something for society) instead of lying in whirlpools.)

it is not good for them, it is unmotivated...they know, that they have all, what they need and that they have program for each day...they know too that they can go back and that they can be prisoners when they kill anybody :( its terible

It is very interesting, because our country is without money on everything but prisoners standarts of living are higher than most working people... Prisoners should work for food and bed! Work shouldnt be a possibility for earning some money. Only "comfort" - library.

It´s unbelievable - you stole something and as a "punishment" you get a room with TV, etc.

its normal for developed countries, and also journalists fake

not good, to much comfort from our money for criminals

Physical activity is necessary. Learning / Courses in whatever sound like a good idea. Library is a must. Enything else is probably too much luxury.

waste of money

When they are so dumb to be caught, they don't deserve any benefits.

7. What do you tink about the highest possible penalty rate (25 years imprisonment in Czech law system) for violent crimes (murder, rape, attempt for murder)?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
25 years is not enough1773,91 %73,91 %  
25 years is enough626,09 %26,09 %  


8. How would you punish perjury?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Imprisonment1252,17 %52,17 %  
Suspnded sentence939,13 %39,13 %  
Fine28,7 %8,7 %  


9. Would you agree with permition of euthanasia in our law system?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Yes1356,52 %56,52 %  
No730,43 %30,43 %  
I don´t know313,04 %13,04 %  


10. What would you consider as vehicle driving under drug or alcohol possesion?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Crime1878,26 %78,26 %  
Offense521,74 %21,74 %  


11. Would you punish judge, jury, investigators or witnesses, if judicial error occurs?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
I don´t know939,13 %39,13 %  
Yes834,78 %34,78 %  
No626,09 %26,09 %  


12. Do you think, that the members of jury should have a law education?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Yes1669,57 %69,57 %  
No521,74 %21,74 %  
I don´t know28,7 %8,7 %  


13. Would you agree with life sentence in all cases of murder, rape, drug traficking or any kind of economic crimes (coruption, taxes evasion, frauds)?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
No1460,87 %60,87 %  
Yes626,09 %26,09 %  
I don´t know313,04 %13,04 %  


14. Do you agree with criminal responsability in the cases of medical or police errors (eventually commited offenses due to negligence)?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Yes1460,87 %60,87 %  
I don´t know521,74 %21,74 %  
No417,39 %17,39 %  


15. What do you think about optimal age of criminal responsability?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí nebo napsat odpověď vlastními slovy.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
151356,52 %56,52 %  
10 417,39 %17,39 %  
1828,7 %8,7 %  
18, if repeated (crime) 16.14,35 %4,35 %  
1714,35 %4,35 %  
1414,35 %4,35 %  
1214,35 %4,35 %  


16. Please, summarize your opinion of justice in your country into 2 or 3 sentences.

Povinná otázka, respondent musel napsat odpověď vlastními slovy.


(you keep spelling "responsibility" wrong!!!!) I guess that in the CR it is much better than we usually think of it and our law system is not appreciated enough

Czech law system is not good from the inside, EU might (but might not) help.

I think that level of of justice in Czech republic is at "parody" stage

I think that our justice is tolerant to violent criminals. People who commit some petty theft or tax evasion get more serious punishments (longer inprisonment) than rapists and murderers

I think, there is too many coruption. The system is not ready for some changes, which could be good and crimes are not judged objectivly (too high or too low punnishments for one crime ec. murder).

I´m not sure. The last 10 years we heard about lot of corruption in our country. I´m starting to not believe in justice in Czech republic.

If there is no timely justice done, there is NO justice. It could be true that the justice system works, but my opinion and experience with it is, that it works approximately for 30% of cases. It is very slow and very often it does not do what it is supposed to do. Minor offenses are blown and punished out of proportions, while major criminal deeds are not persecuted at all. Political fraud, or frauds committed by politicians and top executives are literally not punished.

In Czech Republic exists corruption in the justice system and the government is possibly even more corrupt.

In my opinion "law and justice" in the Czech republic is very corrupted and the whole system seems to be so complicated that for ordinary people it is very difficult to see into it.

Inability to serve justice properly at lower levels, corruption at higher levels.

Is allowed for some people (gipsies) to do things against law without punishment. Death penalty is good idea but it can not be used in ALL cases of murder etc. Raping or killing when your are drunk - punishment is not suitable. People over 10 are abe to think about consequnces of their behaviour, so the border of punishments should be 12+

justice in my contry sucks.too much bribes.

Not ideal, too much corruption, low punishement for heavy crimes

Our justice (well as the other) is really complicated. Sometimes happens, that the innocent convicted is - and it should not happen in future again.

our justice is a little bit slow, but with the money from government its ok...

our justice is sometimes good for me is problem with prisoners and their comfortable life problem is coruption and long time of procedure of cases

Our justice is very slow but mostly fair. Police don´t work only write on file "postponed". Punishes are gentle.

The justice here isn't fair. Rich people have an advantage.

The prisoners don´t work just learn how to make the crimes better, efectivelly. The punishments for repeated crimes are low, the same for planned murder (compared to accidental kill).

too lenient, too selective, it does not apply to everybody, too slow

Without responsibility


17. Do you agree with the death penalty?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí a podle toho se mu zobrazily další otázky [Yesotázka č. 18, Nootázka č. 26, I don´t knowotázka č. 18, Yes, but only if both DNA evidence and eyewitnessed testimony are availableotázka č. 18].

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Yes834,78 %34,78 %  
Yes, but only if both DNA evidence and eyewitnessed testimony are available834,78 %34,78 %  
No521,74 %21,74 %  
I don´t know28,7 %8,7 %  


18. Which crimes do you consider as capital offenses?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit alespoň některou z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Homicide1688,89 %69,57 %  
Sexual battery crimes1266,67 %52,17 %  
Aircraft hijack950 %39,13 %  
Drug traficking738,89 %30,43 %  
Kiddnaping527,78 %21,74 %  
Treason316,67 %13,04 %  
Driving the car under both drug and alcohol possesion211,11 %8,7 %  
Robbery15,56 %4,35 %  


19. Do you think the death penalty is cheaper or more expensive than life inprisonment in developed countries?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Cheaper18100 %78,26 %  


20. Do you agree with a death penalty reenactment in the Czech republic or your country?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Yes1266,67 %52,17 %  
No422,22 %17,39 %  
No, death penalty is utilized in my country211,11 %8,7 %  


21. Why do you agree with capital punishment?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí nebo napsat odpověď vlastními slovy.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Prevent of relapse844,44 %34,78 %  
It has a detterence527,78 %21,74 %  
Eye for an eye...527,78 %21,74 %  


22. Do you agree with life without parole, if death sentence is commuted?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
I don´t know844,44 %34,78 %  
Yes633,33 %26,09 %  
No422,22 %17,39 %  


23. Would you prefer any of currently used methods of executions in homicide cases (firing squad, hanging, electric chair, lethal injection)?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Yes1266,67 %52,17 %  
I don´t know316,67 %13,04 %  
No, I think the murderer deserves to die by the same way as he killed his victim316,67 %13,04 %  


24. Would you agree with the presence of jury, especially at violent offense trials?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Yes1477,78 %60,87 %  
No316,67 %13,04 %  
I don´t know15,56 %4,35 %  


25. Who do you think should have a right to commute the death sentence?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Special board for granting paroles and pardons´s resolution based on unanimous consensus of all memebers1266,67 %52,17 %  
Nobody316,67 %13,04 %  
The highest authority of country or terriotry (president, governor, prime minister…)211,11 %8,7 %  
Special board for granting paroles and pardons´s resolution based on unanimous consensus of all memebers15,56 %4,35 %  


26. How would you punish rape or sexual battery crimes?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel napsat odpověď vlastními slovy.





Death of the offender.

Death penalty.

depends on situation.. crime

I´m not sure.

If is for the first time - prison, second time - death penalty.



imprisonment and therapy provided by law

Imprissoned 10 - 15 years

In all cases I would send the vilian to some medical treatment and in heavy cases (serial rapist) I would recomend castration and so

life in prison

life sentence without chance of being released or death.

Long prison.

Maximum possible punishshment.

Only victim have the right to decide

prison + medical help

Psychiatric treatment, if repeated, very long punishment

testectomy, special places with psycological treatment

With many years in prison.

27. How would you punish theft?

Povinná otázka, respondent musel napsat odpověď vlastními slovy.


According to the sum stolen.


crime, penalty

cut off a hand

depends on what was stolen..

Financial punishment.

Finantially - if you don´t have money, you have to work in prison. On the contrary now you steel money and than rest in prison... or nothing. You don´t have money, your car is not officially yours? You have just the debt (but everybody knows that you will never pay)


Fine and than prison. If somebody steal me a car, which cost 50 000 CZK.He or she should pay me for it. If he or she does not have money to pay he or she will go to prison but still has a the debt.





Imprissoned 1 - 2 years

Inprisonment, very long imprisonment.

it depends on the value of stolen things - fines or short-time inprisonment, if repeated or if the value of stolen things is very high, then longer inprisonment.

Only victim have the right to decide (full compensation of incurred losses)

put the thieve in jail.(it depends on damage expressed in crowns)

suspended sentence

They would have to give back all things they'd stolen or their worth in money + some time in prison (depending on the worth, if it was organised, was used violence...the usual)

Todays theft is over 5000Kč and it is problem, because of regulary little thefts in supermarkets. They shlould give back all the stuff and pay 10-100times more than they wanted steal. If no money, work for society unless they earn enough.

With forced labour.

28. Why don´t you agree with the death penalty (only if negative answer at 17th question)?

Nepovinná otázka, respondent mohl napsat odpověď vlastními slovy.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Nobody can kill. It makes us the murders.120 %4,35 %  
Our system is not ready for it.120 %4,35 %  
high probability of mistaken sentence120 %4,35 %  
i agree120 %4,35 %  
for some of them the death could be a deliverance120 %4,35 %  


29. Please, summarize your opinion of death penalty in general into 2 or 3 sentences.

Povinná otázka, respondent musel napsat odpověď vlastními slovy.


Capital punishment is something definitive, there is no instrument to change it if later on turns out to be a mistake. I did not give a life to another person and I have no right to take it. His/her conscience is stronger penalty that loosing his/her life.


Eye for an eye.

I agree with DP in generaly, but I think in many country system is not ready for it, or it is used for too small crimes.

I don't believe any other human being has a right to kill another person

I think that it should be applied in serious cases, like serial killers, rapists, when the quilt of the suspect is clear and there is minimal possibility of suspect´s treatment. ( like psychological care and so ..)

i would prefer it if somebody did very brutal crime

I´m not sure. I get it, why it´s allowed in some states in USA (I have feeling that crimes in USA are more brutal or worse). I´m not sure. No one from my beloved was murdered, but I´m sure if some of them was I would be for death penalty.

I'm not opposed to it, especially in cases when the accused person commited murder in calculated manner or more murders.

Idea looks nice, but it is irreversible, so I would be against it in Czech Republic, where many things dont run as they should. But I like the idea in theory.

It should only apply to heavy crimes where correction is impossible.

no way... we are not in United States

Nobody has a roght to end life of other person - and it is not big punishment, you will die and you don´t care anymore, it´s over, it is almost help! But if you would work till the death, to pay the society the debt (not just about money), eat just the bread and vitamins and work and work and work - it would maybe work better to motivate people not to make big crimes as a murder...

Only death penalty is physical punish.

Only in cases of repeated crime. Must be in case of planned crime, not affective. Special commision has to egree on that

question 28 + The people often suffer more in prison. They can think about the things they comitted and they can repent it. Ant it's the worst punishment.

Question of death penalty is very complicated as it is difficult to find a specialised group of people who wouldn´t succund to corruption and would be capable of deciding who really deserves it.

there always might be the problem of kiling an innocent person, but there are some people committing violent crimes repeatedly and they really don't deserve to live and money spent on their inprisonment can be saved for health care, science, education.

we have no death penalty now but we need it many prisoners have so big case, that for them could be bether deatd

When they commit a murden and they are stupid enough to get caught, death is the best of things they deserve.


yes, but only in cases when repeating of raping, killing... Or for the first time, but if there is not recomendet that prison will help-cure him.

30. Choose your age group.

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
19-251147,83 %47,83 %  
18 or less417,39 %17,39 %  
31-40313,04 %13,04 %  
26-30313,04 %13,04 %  
41-5514,35 %4,35 %  
56-6014,35 %4,35 %  


31. Choose your sex.

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
Female1460,87 %60,87 %  
Male939,13 %39,13 %  


32. Choose your education level.

Povinná otázka, respondent musel zvolit jednu z nabízených odpovědí.

OdpověďPočetLokálně %Globálně %Akce
College1460,87 %60,87 %  
Graduate (all types of high school, training schools...)834,78 %34,78 %  
Elementary school14,35 %4,35 %  



Pomocí tohoto nástroje můžete získat přepočítané výsledky pro jednotlivé segmenty respondentů a zjistit, zda se odpovědi určitého segmentu respondentů liší od „průměrného” respondenta. Funkce je v tomto momentě v testovacím režimu a zcela bez záruky, nepoužívejte ji jako jedinou metodu pro vyhodnocení hypotéz!

Metodická část této funkce se teprve připravuje, časem přibude podpora také pro chybějící typy otázek. V případě, že objevíte nějakou chybu, neváhejte mě kontaktovat.

Segmentační otázka č. 1
Segmentační otázka č. 2
Segmentační otázka č. 3

Analýza zajímavých souvislostí a závislostí (DZD)5

Tento dotazník byl vyhodnocen jako nevhodný pro úlohu DZD (s největší pravdědpodobností jej zodpovědělo příliš málo respondentů).


Špur, O.Satisfaction with justice and death penalty issue (výsledky průzkumu), 2011. Dostupné online na https://satisfaction-with-justice-an.vyplnto.cz.

Licence Creative Commons   Výsledky průzkumu podléhají licenci Creative Commons Uveďte autora 3.0 Česko

1) Globální procenta se počítají s ohledem na celkový počet respondentů, lokální četnost bere potaz pouze respondenty, kteří danou otázku zodpověděli.
2) U otázek typu "seznam - alespoň jedna" si mohli respondenti zvolit více odpovědí, proto součet procent u jednotlivých odpovědí nemusí dát dohromady 100 %
3) Na povinnou otázku musí respondent zodpovědět pouze v případě, kdy mu je zobrazena. Dotazník může obsahovat skoky mezi otázkami, takže lze na základě určitých odpovědí některé otázky přeskakovat.
4) Tato funkce je zatím v testovacím stadiu a je určena spíše pro zábavu - mějte na paměti, že může zobrazovat i nesmysly. V tomto momentě probíhá pouze automatická analýza dvojic výroků, zavislosti kombinací výroků můžete zatím sledovat pouze prostřednictvím funkce zjišťování závislostí odpovědí.